And then they were three

We went out for dinner yesterday at this really meaty place. The food was absolutely amazing! During our meal my husband recieved a phonecall from the parents of our godson. "Our" kid has a pretty new sister, she seems to be a really cool person, but to be honest, I don't feel like I know her well...yet.
The father of our current god child asked if we had given any more thought to whether we wanted to be godparents to this new person. We didn't know if they really had asked us before, well we had hoped to be asked cause it is truly a great honour! Ofcourse we jumped at this grand opportunity, we are so blessed! We now have three amazing children, a cool dog and a very lazy tortoise. Life is sweet! And now it must be time for Jell-O!

Copyright Samuel
Sunset, Guadeloupe

Postat av: Anonym

Så, jag läser ju alltid din blogg... o nu måste vi ses snart, det här börjar ju bli löjligt :P

Ska ni till Nice i sommar? jag ska dit ^^

2010-05-06 @ 13:56:45
Postat av: Samuel

Vem är du?

2010-05-08 @ 15:27:52
Postat av: J

men! Gissa två gånger vem jag är :P

It's me, Kimberly! ^^

2010-05-09 @ 17:44:46
Postat av: Amanda

Ah Kim!

Ska till Nice i sommar! När ska du dit?

Måste ses!!!

2010-05-13 @ 10:30:23

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